The Nervous System 101
The nervous system is responsible for communicating, regulating, and controlling the body. For example, it is how you know that you just stepped on a nail, you blinked your eyes, or you were able to chew your food.
Without it, we could do nothing.
As illustrated in the image below, your nervous system contains two parts, the CNS (Central Nervous System) in orange and the PNS (Peripheral Nervous System) in blue.
The CNS (Central Nervous System) comprises your brain and spinal cord, contained in the spine and skull. It is multifunctional, controlling all voluntary movement, like riding a bike, and involuntary movements, like breathing, and is the source of thoughts, perceptions, and emotions.
The PNS (Peripheral Nervous System) extends into every other nook and cranny beyond the spine, brain, and extremities. All the pain, temperature, touch, vibration, and proprioception messages are channeled to the central nervous system to be processed and comprehended by the brain.
The brain signals via the CNS (Central Nervous System) can face interference when a vertebra of the spinal cord is out of alignment, which is harmful to health and wellbeing.
When any dysfunction within the nervous system presents itself, (which as you can see, is anywhere in the body), chiropractic care can make all the difference. Chiropractic uses the spine as a way to activate healing throughout the body. It helps the nervous system by removing blockages and interference so the body can return to balance or homeostasis.
Next, we will take a look at the ANS (Autonomic Nervous System.) The ANS is comprised of
PNS (Parasympathetic Nervous System) is known as the “rest or digest” state of in the body
SNS (Sympathetic Nervous System) is known as the “fight or flight” state in the body.
When you enter a state of stress, whether you are in immediate danger like running away from a robber or having too many emails in your inbox and not enough hours in the day, your body responds in the same way.
As illustrated in the image below, when a state of “Fight or flight” is initiated, your pupils dilate, digestion shuts down, heart rate increases, blood flow rushes to the limbs, the liver secretes glucose into the blood for quick energy, and adrenaline and norepinephrine course through your body.
This natural process was designed to keep us safe from those saber tooth-tigers thousands of years ago. Problems arise when we live and stay in chronic stress. Unfortunately, nearly 8 in 10 (78%) say it is a significant source of stress in their life during the pandemic.* This is on top of rampant amounts of work and life-related stress.
The counterpart of the SNS is the PNS. When we think of the Parasympathetic Nervous System, we think of Peace. When the PNS is activated, the heart rate slows down, glucose release is inhibited, digestion functions, and may have a stronger libido.
There was a common misconception that we were unable to control the Autonomic Nervous System because the chain reaction of events triggered in our bodies automatically happens whether when we enter that state. However, through chiropractic treatments and practices such as breathing, movement, meditation, and diet that do not create stress on the body, we can control this system and our perception of life.
All facets of our nervous system are important to the functioning of the human body. Each serves multiple functions and, depending on our state, can create feelings of health or dis-ease. Chiropractic is designed to bring you back to balance. To ensure that your nervous system is working with you.
*Source: American Physiological Association