EMF Toxicity - How to Relieve Electromagnetic Stress

In this article, we are focusing on Electromagnetic Frequencies also known as EMFs, an invisible toxin that constantly surrounds us in this modern-day.

Remember, we are electromagnetic by nature. For years I would muscle test people to see if they were electromagnetically sound. If you are not, external electromagnetic frequencies can be one of the things that block optimal health. This can impact the health of the body a little or a lot- to the point where someone may not be able to get out of bed.  

With the advent of cell phones, computers, and now 5G, I think you must protect yourself, especially when we spend so much time on our devices.  

No need to worry! We have the solution. By adding Gia Energy products to your devices, you can neutralize the negative effects of the EMFs. Read on to find out more. 

So what exactly are EMFs? 

EMFs or electromagnetic fields/frequencies are released by electronic devices like Wi-Fi routers, computers, microwave ovens, and other home appliances. They are invisible waves that the eyes can’t see.

“Several studies have reported that exposure to EMF results in oxidative stress in many tissues of the body. Exposure to EMF is known to increase free radical concentrations and traceability and can affect the radical couple recombination.” *1

Free radicals, atoms with an unpaired electron, may cause damage to DNA and other parts of the human cell when unable to be released. This leads to oxidative stress, which is essentially the inability to detox free radicals from the body. 

Oxidative Stress

Over time, oxidative stress can lead to neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's, chronic fatigue syndrome, and any inflammatory disease. 

Going further, “EMF disrupts the chemical structures of tissue since a high degree electromagnetic energy absorption can change the electric current in the body. As a result of this exposure, the functions of organs are affected.”2 Although we cannot see EMFs, they pose a serious threat to our health and wellbeing. 

What do I do about EMF Toxicity?

Asking ourselves to put down technology is impossible in our age, nor would we want to give what technology does for our lives. There are ways to help neutralize the effects of EMF exposure. 

Since 2010, I have been using the Gia Energy products. I have tested many products over the years, and Gia always gets the job done. Place them directly onto your device to experience the benefits of neutralizing harmful EMFs. Some of the most common products my patients and I use include:

The Cell Guard-


We all carry our phones where ever we do. They are almost glued to our hips. Rarely do I find someone who is not affected by caring around their device. Use this one directly on your cellphone. 

The Universal Guard- Do you work at your computer for hours? The Universal Guard will help protect your larger electronic devices such as laptops, computers, and hard drives.

The GIAlife Classic Pendant-  


If you have ever visited me for chiropractic treatment, you may have noticed my simple pendant. “The GIAlife Pendant has been designed as a body-worn, bioenergetic solution to help you deal with everyday debilitating stress, including energetic stress triggered by electromagnetic radiation (EMR) exposure.” I wear mine every day to help protect my system.

Mobile Airtube Replacement Decals- I use these small decals for people who have apple watches and earbuds. Place two of them onto your watch to neutralize the effects of EMR exposure.

Watch this video as we muscle-tested a patient for electromagnetic stress. He goes weak when this phone or apple watch is nearby. He goes into strength after adding the Gia Energy products.

If you are struggling, feeling tired, and not knowing where to look or what to do, please contact us at the office to set up an in-person or virtual appointment. 

You can do other things right now to reduce your exposure, like sleeping without your devices in the bedroom. Leave your phone in another room and opt for a simple alarm clock. Minimize your time spent on electronics, and remember to connect back to nature whenever you can!


Powerful Products to Reduce Toxic Burden


Are Invisible Toxins Taking Over Your Life?