Omega-6 and Omega-3! You may have heard of them, but do you understand their important role in your body? 

In this article, you will learn what Omega-3 and -6 do for you, the ideal ratio of Omega-6 to -3, symptoms of Omega-3 deficiency, and steps you can take to balance your omegas. 

You will learn about the OmegaCheck blood test, which is how we know what your levels are and create a plan for improving your health. It is an excellent add-on to the Comprehensive Blood Panel.

For the entire month of January 2022, all bloodwork is 15% off! Now is the perfect time to take care of your health so that you can have the most vibrant and successful year yet.

Stop guessing, and start testing!

For questions on bloodwork or to order yours, please call or email us:


Omega-3 and Omega-6s are polyunsaturated long-chain fatty acids (PUFA) required by the body for proper functioning, normal growth, and the formation of neural synapses and cellular membranes

Omega-3 and -6 fatty acids are considered “essential,” meaning they are not made in the body and are obtained from dietary sources.

The ideal ratio of Omega-6 to Omega-3 is somewhere between 1-to-1 and 4-to-1. Today, the average ratio of Omega-6 to 3 is 16:1! While this is the average, it is far from healthy. This means the typical diet is both overloaded with Omega-6 and deficient in Omega-3.

Dietary sources of omega-3 fatty acids include fatty fishes, such as salmon or sardines, nuts, and plant oils. 

Omega-6 fatty acids are obtained from animal sources and plant oils. They have pro-inflammatory and pro-thrombotic (increased risk of formation of blood clots) properties at high levels. Blood clots may lead to stroke, pulmonary embolism, and heart attack. This is a major issue in today's age and the pandemic. Additionally, a high intake of Omega-6 can interfere with the absorption of Omega-3 fatty acids. 

So what does it look like when we don’t have enough Omega-3?

Image of what happens with an Omega-3 deficiency

An Omega-3 deficiency will manifest itself differently in each body. You may experience just one or several symptoms. These include:

  • Dry skin, brittle hair, and thin nails that peel and crack. 

  • Fatigue and trouble sleeping.

  • Joint pain 

  • Depression 

  • Rashes on the skin and dandruff as well

  • High blood pressure

  • Slow metabolism

  • Weight gain around the belly

Because there is such a dominance of Omega 6 in the Standard American Diet, we will not cover an Omega 6 deficiency. However, rest assured, if you take the OmegaCheck blood test it will tell you exactly where you are deficient. The OmegaCheck blood test will give you your ratio of Omega-6 to -3 and break down the individual types of each.

This is a sample report from the OmegaCheck blood test. As you can see, this patient’s levels of Omega 3 are critically low.

The great news is that when people take this test, Dr. T was able to make the right recommendations for their supplement protocol, diet, and lifestyle changes.

The OmegaCheck is an excellent addition to getting the Comprehensive Blood Panel. It adds another layer of information to improve your diet and lifestyle and gives tangible evidence and motivation towards making such a change.

“Being a health-conscious eater, I did not imagine that my omega levels would be bad. My curiosity and drive to optimize my health lead me to get the OmegaCheck blood test. And guess what? My Omega-6 to -3 ratio was three times higher than it should be! I am so glad that I took this test so that I could create a roadmap with Dr. T for feeling better.” -Molly. 

There are Omega supplements that you can take to balance your Omega ratios. 

Tuna Omega by Standard Process


Tuna Omega-3 Oil contains a non-concentrated, natural profile of tuna oil that is rigorously tested to be below regulatory standards for contaminants and toxins. Along with supporting general health, it also:

  • Supports cognition

  • Supports skin and hair health

  • Supports emotional balance*

  • Contains DHA, which is important for proper fetal eye and brain development

This supplement is available through Wellevate.

Complete Omega 3 Essentials 2:1 by Nutri-West 


Call us to purchase this supplement.


Offers nutritional support for non-specific inflammatory responses and a healthy immune system.  It also supports the cardiovascular system, normal brain, and nervous system development/ function and kidneys.  Use as part of the diet to help maintain healthy cholesterol and triglyceride levels.  

Now, let’s talk about FOOD! Our favorite. Add, Swap, and Reduce/Avoid for your health. 

ADD more high-quality food that is rich in Omega-3s to your diet. Examples include:

  • Fatty fish such as salmon or mackerel 

  • Chia seeds 

  • Flax Seeds

  • Spinach 

  • Sardines and anchovies 

  • Walnuts

  • Pastured eggs

  • Grass-fed beef

SWAP your chips from those made with sunflower oil or safflower oil to that with Avocado Oil.

Check out the Omega-6 to -3 ratios for these oils:

Sunflower Oil- 40:1

Safflower Oil - 133:1

Avocado Oil - 12:1

Let’s be realistic, who doesn’t love the crunch of a potato chip. While it's best to eat chips in moderation, make a simple switch to potato chips made with avocado oil to reduce the amount of Omega-6 in your diet.

REDUCE the amount of processed food you eat. AVOID oils including soybean oil, corn oil, cottonseed oil, sunflower oil, safflower oil, peanut oil, sesame oil, and rice bran oil. All these oils harm your health. Choose with your health in mind. 

And above all, stop guessing and start testing, so you can receive the maximum benefits from a healthy lifestyle.

Image depicting the benefits of Omega-3

Contact us to get started with your wellness plan today!


Inflammation and Endocrine Disruptors


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